Custom Commissions

SPECKS - Porcelain



The first step is to gather a palette of materials from you. Examples could be - a first hair cut, found plants and feathers from your favorite place, or ashes, hair or fur of a loved one. Next, I add to your collection from my own unique stockpile to enhance options. I then use these compilations to create half a dozen or so SPECKS for you to choose from.



The objects we have collected are placed in the mould before the pour - ready for the liquid slip gods to take over. The next day I remove them from the moulds and perform whatever clean-up they need and ready them for their first visit to the kiln. This initial firing is where the alchemy and magic begins!



Once fired I wash the SPECK with a black underglaze and sponge it off - this reveals all the delicate details left from the gathering and burning away of the natural bits. Next is a succession of steps - addition and subtraction of drawing and glazes until the stars align and everything falls into place. The SPECK has a way of letting the universe know when it is done.


Parts to Whole

Watch the process of creating a SPECK